Account top up
Products and Services
Unlock a world of instant account top-ups
Unlock the benefit of instant account top-ups for your customers. Whether they need to make international calls, play online games or predict outcomes on their favourite sports’ platforms, direct account top-ups on some of the biggest websites, apps and networks make this an immediate possibility.
Accept cash payments in-store and use either your Flash machine or the Flash business mobile app on your phone or tablet to instantly upload balance to the customer’s digital wallet, allowing them to keep connected to their chosen platforms.
Now available on the Flash system, instant payments for multiple platforms.
Direct top-ups
- Talk360 top ups
With your Flash machine customers can now directly top up their Talk360 account with airtime. Talk360 is an international calling app which allows reliable and affordable phone calls to any offline landline or mobile phone in over 190+countries.
- Sports & gaming top-ups
With selected gaming and sports platforms, your customer’s top-up amount is instantly credited to their online account, so they can get back to vying for that win with no delays.
Voucher top-ups
As a Flash merchant, you’ll also be able to provide gaming account top-up vouchers that customers can load onto their online profile. These gaming vouchers include:
- PlayStation Plus
- PlayStation Store
- Razer Gold
- Roblox
- Free Fire
- Steam
- PubG
1Voucher top-ups
Customers can also use a 1Voucher to top up online accounts or pay for goods, as long as the brand is part of the 1Voucher partner network. The process is straight-forward: sell your customer a 1Voucher, and then they can use the 16-digit PIN to load balance/credit on to their preferred online platform.
This is just one more way Flash helps you to make your customers’ lives easier.